
Hi! We offer individualized support in Natural Health and Lifestyle!

With over 30 years of combined experience in the field we offer Professional Training Programs in Ayurveda and Yoga along with Master Teachers from India and Australia. We are centered in Puerto Rico where we share individualized practices, retreats and in house learning.

Ayurveda Certification Training
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Transform Lives with Ayurveda

Transform Lives with Ayurveda Whether you are looking for self-led healing or to support family and clients the knowledge of Ayurveda can help. The inspiration for our Level 1 and Level 2 Professional Programs comes from seeing how step-by-step learning is the best way to integrate and share allowing Ayurveda to become an active part of your daily life. This not only supports you as you gain knowledge but prepares you in the best way to bring it into your own communities. Our programs are...

Greetings Reader, This week, we are reflecting upon a topic that touches the lives of many on their path to wellness: weight management. Many of our students and clients consistently report remarkable success in managing their weight through Ayurveda. Be it shedding, gaining or sustaining healthy weight. As you're likely familiar, Ayurveda is more than a dietary system. It's a comprehensive lifestyle approach that can nurture natural, balanced weight while fortifying your body's tissues. This...

Ancient wisdom has always had a way of packaging profound truths into bite-sized insights, and Ayurveda is no exception. The ancient scholars meticulously crafted frameworks, strategies, and insights, leaving no stone unturned. Recognizing Ayurveda as the "science of life", they not only decoded the complexities of existence but also provided us with a clear roadmap. And, in their brilliance, they pinpointed the Three Main Causes of Disease AND equipped us with practical strategies to steer...

Greetings practitioners, As many in the Northeast US bid farewell to an unusually wet and cool summer, a sudden burst of warmth is gracing us just in time for fall. Feeling a little seasonally disoriented? You're not alone! If you're sensing that your balance is off, if you're fighting off sluggishness left over from those rainy days, or if you're just eager to embrace the upcoming season with renewed vigor—this message is for you! We're excited to get to the heart of the matter a tad ahead...

The alchemy of turning simple ingredients into nourishing sustenance is an art that resonates deeply not just within the Ayurvedic community but lineages of humanity across time. This accumulation of culinary wisdom feeds not just the body, or the mind, but an inextinguishable layer within ourselves as we connect with ancient practices in a contemporary time. This week we are excited to introduce you to another passionate Mentee and Ayurvedic Health Advisor, Sami Mayhew. Her passion for...

Greetings! Can you smell that? It's summer right around the corner, complete with its unmistakable aroma of sizzling BBQs and warm evening fires. Whether it's the camp life in Maine or the tropical vibes of Puerto Rico, one thing's for sure, we simply can't resist the crackling charm of the fire pit! It's BBQ season, and we're more than ready for it! Our latest blog post “Summer BBQ Without the Burn” is here to shake up the way you think about your grill-out rituals. Ready to bring together...

The inward expression that blossoms into outward form offers endless roads of consideration, interrogation and ultimately change. As we continue our own journey through personal development and collective growth through our offerings at Maha Vidya we find the student experience to be the flame to our fire. Ashley has grown from client to student to dear friend, family and much more over the past several years. We have witnessed the struggle, determination and patience on the path that has...

From Ashwagandha-infused smoothies and ghee-enriched coffee to Shatavari cookies, Tulsi Matcha lattes, potent Turmeric Moringa shots and "Ayurvedic" Cacao ceremonies with a dash of cardamom – the world of Ayurvedic superfoods is certainly enticing. But are they actually good for you? The fad of Ayurveda is fast moving through the Western world and unfortunately calling something “ayurvedic” whether it’s a superfood, super skincare blend or delicious herbal tea simply IS NOT “ayurvedic”...

To be honest writing this makes me laugh and brings a smile to my face as I reflect. We have not had 1, or 2 but 6 people ask us to add this recipe to the website in the last few weeks. While our recipe series on the blog already showcases a couple of remarkable squash recipes, the renewed enthusiasm has inspired me to share the story behind the Zucchini & Summer Squash Lasagna. Curious to know how we journeyed into the exciting world of squash recipes? It's a tale worth telling. One summer...

In our relentlessly busy lives, marked by on-the-go schedules and digital overload, there's one practice that we wholeheartedly recommend to ignite and transform your healing practices journey: Self-Oil Massage. This time-honored ritual, codified in the wisdom of Ayurvedic texts, is the go-to practice to nourish your body and soothe your mind. “One who does oil massage daily will be endowed with supple skin, a nourished strong and well-formed body, be young and pleasing to the eye and live a...