Ayurvedic Superfoods or Super Confused?

From Ashwagandha-infused smoothies and ghee-enriched coffee to Shatavari cookies, Tulsi Matcha lattes, potent Turmeric Moringa shots and "Ayurvedic" Cacao ceremonies with a dash of cardamom – the world of Ayurvedic superfoods is certainly enticing.

But are they actually good for you?

The fad of Ayurveda is fast moving through the Western world and unfortunately calling something “ayurvedic” whether it’s a superfood, super skincare blend or delicious herbal tea simply IS NOT “ayurvedic” without consideration of the individual using the products at play. Many of these presentations and combinations are actually not recommended in Ayurvedic practice. And much of this amounts to merely playing with Indian herbs instead of understanding how these herbs work. Such superficial engagement fails to harness the full potential of these potent herbs and respect the comprehensive understanding an Ayurvedic approach to Superfoods really entails.

Take Ashwagandha, for example. It's a warm, heavy herb, challenging to digest for those with poor agni or a weakened digestive and elimination system. Its warming properties can increase heat in the body, which should be monitored for those with a tendency towards excess Pitta dosha, those living in a warm climate, or during the sweltering peak of summer. Moreover, when Ashwagandha is blended into cold smoothies alongside an assortment of fruits, nuts, or seeds, it becomes even heavier, harder to digest, and can further challenge the digestive system. This could make it nearly impossible for the body to extract the nutrients from such a complex mixture, leading instead to a buildup of undigested gunk in the system. This is why an Ayurvedic smoothie is actually something that is less complicated with few ingredients and a lightness in digestion.

So what is an Ayurvedic Superfood?

We asked Google and got the definition of su·per·food


  1. a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

Then we looked it up on Wikipedia and found this answer.

  1. Superfood is a marketing term for food claimed to confer health benefits resulting from an exceptional nutrient density. The term is not commonly used by experts, dietitians and nutrition scientists, most of whom dispute that particular foods have the health benefits claimed by their advocates.

Very interesting indeed! So, long story short superfoods are a made up marketing concept. In Ayurveda we actually would consider a food of super or superior quality based on the effect of what it is doing to our bodily tissues. Something that builds healthy bulk (Bruhana- Women's Health Students we just covered this in class!) and supports tissue health all the way to the reproductive organs and immune system could indeed be considered a superfood. There is one key component to making any food superior however, and that is the quality of our digestive system. Yes indeed. Digestive health comes to the forefront of Ayurvedic wellness care!

It's not just WHAT you EAT, but HOW you EAT and DIGEST your Food!

This is one of the most important topics we cover in our 500 Hour Professional Ayurveda Program and Dr Amruta says that again and again. We have written a whole BLOG on the superfoods which hopefully will shed some clarity on HOW to determine the quality of the foods you consume to make every bite super with an impact on the body in the process. In consideration of digestion and choices for you personally feel free to reach out to us for a Complimentary Digestive Support Session. For now, don't toss your super yummy herbs and supplements but do make sure you eat them in a way that your body can support the process. Stay Healthy Friends!


Carlisle and Zaplin


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