Understanding Ayurveda principles and practices of Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle, anatomy, physiology, self and client relationships and support of increasing self awareness, self nurturance, community building and family health. Starting from the foundations of Ayurvedic theory we will learn from the texts outlines for self-care, daily regimen, seasonal regimen, in depth understanding of local environments and how to understand the body from the lense of Ayurveda.

Assessment of the individual and condition on a physical, psychological and intellectual level.

This will support application of information for self and family care and for working with clients or those in your community. Outlines shared for specific areas of interest and study with examples of how you can begin to implement this knowledge first within ourself and eventually the community. Practice workshops will challenge you to bring this knowledge into action while finding your unique voice sharing what you have learned.

Ayurvedic principles of preventative healthcare management with the help of specific regimens, diets and therapies. Also included is management of abnormalities of digestion with the help of food, lifestyle, regimens and herbs. Outlines for each constitution are studied with specifics on common imbalance and treatment for each of the three dosha.

Programs includes 50 hours of hands on technical training (dates TBA) including marma, svedana and herbal therapies. PLUS a 6 month mentorship program upon completion to give you all the tools to get started in the field.

Those interested will be offered the opportunity to travel to Pune India with us to share time in the Arya clinic learning herbal medicine, plant identification, and diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.

Online classes run Sunday evening at 7:30-9:00pm Atlantic time with Carlisle Amlak and Dr Amruta Athale. Begins June 2024. Graduation 2026. Playbacks available for all missed classes.

Payments of $325/month for 18 months - includes the 6 month weekly mentorship upon completion.

Visit our website for the full syllabus and more details.

Registration includes FREE Access to our Principles of Health Program to get you started on the journey today!